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Lire loves…glam grannies

Young women might have the designer handbags, the towering heels and the painted nails, but they are out glammed by the older generation in one area. A study by the British Sociological Association found that over 74 year-olds visit the hairdressers on average twice as much as their younger counterparts. Meanwhile 16-34 year olds splashed … Continue reading

Lire loves…Pinterest

Forget Facebook and Twitter, the new way to procrastinate is here: Pinterest. Rather than creating a profile based on status updates, on Pinterest users create a range of pinboards with different themes and ‘pin’ photos to them. You follow others and, just as you’d re-tweet and share posts you liked on Twitter and Facebook, on … Continue reading

Lire Loves…..Graze boxes

If you’re a Grouponite or a boohoo.com shopper, you’ve probably already heard about Graze and will hopefully have taken advantage of the great deals on offer. If, on the other hand, ‘Graze boxes’ mean nothing to you, then prepare to have your mind opened… You know that feeling you get around 3pm, when you’re sat … Continue reading

This is India

In 2010, Scott Leslie left the UK to take part in a voluteering project in India. Here he discovered the stark contrast between the super rich and those living in the slums, and the power of two cultures coming together. Two years ago, glancing out of the window as my plane began its descent towards … Continue reading

The lip-artist

Panda Lips hit the big time earlier this year when they were featured in Company magazine, but Paige Thompson has gone one better and housed a whole menagerie of mouthy animals on her lips. “There weren’t too many people who had done a full-fledged series of lip animals, so that’s where I came in,” she … Continue reading

Do you want fries with that? How to escape your stop-gap job

Everyone knows the stereotype of an actor waiting on tables until he gets a big break. Well the good news is, he’s in good company, as more and more graduates work in stop-gap jobs whilst they work towards their dream career. There are future creative advertisers working in chemists, future journalists answering phones in call … Continue reading

Edinburgh: It’s not all tartan and tourists

I was captured by Edinburgh before I even entered Scotland. As the train rumbled through Berwick-upon-Tweed the views were breathtaking, vivid green fields surrounded the track, and on the coastal side they gave way to a dark blue sea, glistening in the late March sunshine. This scenic route continued until I reach Edinburgh’s Waverley Station. … Continue reading

The Cupcake Queen

Cath Kidston’s vintage style homeware, Emily Bridgewater’s cool crockery and kitchen accessories and the numerous knitting classes appearing all over the country are a huge indication of the resurgence in the popularity of home-crafts. Aided by the recession, as well as the vintage fashion trends, the art of make-do-and-mend and home-made products have once again … Continue reading

The bank that’s lending a helping hand

We might be out of a recession, but whilst jobs are hard to find and redundancy is a threat faced by many, countless families are still finding it hard to put food on the table. Which is where a Foodbank comes in. Foodbanks are the brainchild of the Trussel Trust, who opened the first one … Continue reading

Facebook before a first date: To add or not to add?

You’ve met them once and now you’ve organised a first date. Is adding them on Facebook beforehand setting yourself up for disappointment, or a haven of conversation starters? Since the phenomenon of Facebook, privacy has been taken to a whole to new level, and there’s been much publicity about keeping your profile boss-proof, deleting inappropriate … Continue reading